
Please be advised that We are available on call 24/7. Plumbing Service Contractors. Fully Licensed Residential, Commercial, New Construction, Service Licensed Gas Fitting.


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Silk Cotton Street, Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday -- closed --
Sunday -- closed --

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Pinder's Plumbing Co. Ltd

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(3.0 out of 5.0)

April 16, 2018

Lowell Pinder

In response to the review by Livi Rolle, we apologise if you were inconvenienced in any way. I contacted him to rectify or clarify the problem to no avail as he refused to speak to me. It is company policy that we never leave work incomplete and if something comes up where the job is delayed, arrangements are always agreed upon between the company and the client. Again we apologise and God Bless.

Tags : pinder's plumbing co. ltd. plumbing pinders freeport freeport plumbing 

June 6, 2014

Horrible service

I try to use Pinder' s just by looking in the phone book and I regret doing that! He charges me $200.00 and the work isn't completely and then when I call him to complete the job Lowel Pinder decided not to answer my any of my phone calls. This is very unprofessional, he fills you up with promises and doesn't deliver! Never again, lesson learned.

Tags : pinder's plumbing co. ltd. plumbing pinders freeport freeport plumbing  

All views expressed on this post are posted by the users and do not represent the opinions of, its management or staff.

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User ratings

Lowell Pinder

In response to the review by Livi Rolle, we apologise if you were inconvenienced in any way. I contacted him to rectify or clarify the problem to no avail as he refused to speak to me. It is company policy that we never leave work incomplete and if something comes up where the job is delayed, arr...

Horrible service

I try to use Pinder' s just by looking in the phone book and I regret doing that! He charges me $200.00 and the work isn't completely and then when I call him to complete the job Lowel Pinder decided not to answer my any of my phone calls. This is very unprofessional, he fills you up with promise...

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All views expressed on this post are posted by the users and do not represent the opinions of, its management or staff.


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