The storm before the calm

Wed, Apr 16th 2014, 12:30 PM

Anyone who has experienced a bad storm, like a hurricane for example knows, that although the storm can be quite terrifying as it reaches its peak, as the winds howl and rage uprooting trees, tearing roofs off buildings and generally causing havoc; once the storm has passed the calm always returns. When calm returns, it's difficult to imagine, that just a short while ago havoc was evident everywhere as calmness and sunny, bright skies are visible everywhere. My friend, surely that is a very good analogy for certain periods which we all inevitably experience in our lives from time to time.
That's right, we all go through stormy periods in both our personal and professional lives when the winds of change are blowing real hard thus causing havoc, even destruction in many areas. However, the real point which I want to get over to everyone here today is this. No matter how bad things may appear to be in your life right now, no matter how fierce the storms which are raging appear to be, nothing is more certain than the fact, that eventually the calm will indeed return as a degree of normalcy comes back into your life and affairs. This my friend, is guaranteed. Yes it is!
But D. Paul, how do you know this for sure, many who are going through very difficult stormy times may understandably query? Because my friend, that's the way the universe operates and nothing ever lasts forever. So, if you're going through a storm right now, take heart for this is just the storm before the calm. Yes it is for better times, calmer times are already on their way. I guarantee it!
As I have relayed to you my valued readers in the past, the universe and everything in it, including your life, operates in cycles. So there's the up cycles and the down cycles, the highs and the lows, the storms and the calmer times, this is the way the universe always has, does and will continue to operate, in cycles.
So my friend, in conclusion, although you may right now be in a stormy cycle with the winds of change raging everywhere, I want you to take heart for calmer times are already on their way. It's inevitable, it's the way life works. So, get positive again as you put your sunny, smiling face on, figuratively speaking, as you prepare once again for the sunshine of success which will shine brightly on your life and affairs.
o Think about it!

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