Go to God in prayer

Thu, Oct 24th 2013, 03:20 PM

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, "Grant me justice against my adversary.

For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, "Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!

And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? - Luke 18:1-7a

The Bible is full of people who kept going even when it did not seem expedient to do so. Notwithstanding great boulders of adversity thrown in their way, they maintained their faith in God.

David was chased away from his home. His life was threatened, yet he trusted God. Joseph was maligned and thrown in prison for something he did not do, yet he kept his trust in God.

In the text, Jesus tells a parable about an evil judge. This man did not fear man nor God. Therefore, when a poor widow went before him seeking justice he ignored her.

The judge ignored the poor widow because her state of poverty made her insignificant to him. She could not afford an advocate to plead her case.

This poor widow was at a total disadvantage. Nonetheless, she had one thing on her side. She was persistent. She would not let up.

The judge could ignore her, but she would engage him at his court, at his home, in the street and wherever she could. With this plan of action, she was assured of justice.

Until she got justice the judge would not get any rest. He would have to eventually give her what she wanted, justice.

Why would Jesus use a parable such as this as a teaching tool? His objective is to encourage the elect to pray without ceasing. We who are the elect of God should pray constantly. God expects us to call upon his name often, especially when we are in trouble.

We should never give up. Our God is merciful. He will hear our prayer. He wants the best for us. Many of us pray for changes in our own lives and that of our family. When we do not get an immediate response, we tend to believe that we are praying in vain.

We become discouraged and eventually give up. Prayer changes things. Through prayer, we have an open line to God. We do not need an appointment to get God's attention.

He is never too busy to hear our cries. He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep (Ps. 121: 3-4). When you are faced with great burdens, trust God.

When sickness and death take a foothold in your life, take your burden to God in prayer. Even though things in your life might seem to be going downhill, trust in God and he will lift you up. The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life (Ps.121:7).

God is your most dependable ally. He will come to your rescue. He will stand with you in your most desperate and lonely moments. Yes, even though family and friends may forsake you, God will not. Call upon the name of the Lord in prayer and you will never be alone.

Be persistent in all that you do, especially in your prayer life. Christians have Jesus Christ as their advocate before the throne of God. Jesus is a most capable advocate. He will place the case of all who call upon his name and ensure relief.

In the text, Jesus is saying that if an evil judge, who did not fear God nor man, can eventually have a change of heart and give justice. Then, what about God who is just? God is caring, loving and gracious. He will hear your pleas. Therefore, be persistent in your prayer life. Do not let up. Do not give up. God hears you.

The objective of this text is to teach us to call upon the name of the Lord in prayer and to always trust him for deliverance. Yes, prayer changes things. Therefore, be constant in prayer. The apostle Paul tells us to pray without ceasing.

Whatever you do, be persistent. Giving up is easy. If an evil judge can eventually give justice to an insignificant widow, then think about your God who is willing to give you good things. Go to God in prayer. He will hear you. Don't give up. You are a child of God. Amen.

o Rev. Samuel M. Boodle, pastor at The Lutheran Church of Nassau, can be reached at P.O. Box N 4794, Nassau, Bahamas; or telephone 426-9084; e-mail: lutheranchurch@coralwave.com; website: www.Nassaulutheranchurch.org.

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