Top five foods to boost your child's brainpower

Tue, Sep 27th 2016, 01:55 PM

Which foods boost concentration and aid learning? Our dietitian Emer Delaney gives her top five brain-boosting foods as well as family-friendly recipes for incorporating them into your everyday diet...

Now school has started again, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about the best foods to help concentration. We’re all aware of the importance of enough fruit and vegetables, but what else can we offer our children to optimise their chances of having a good day at school? Here are my top five foods to include in your child’s diet weekly, from 12 months of age:


Egg and marmite soldiers (Photo source: BBC)

Children’s brains are developing at a significant rate, especially for the first years of their life. Choline is a very important vitamin that plays an integral role in this, as it is vital for the creation of memory cells deep within the brain. Rich in choline, the yolk of an egg almost meets the daily needs of children up to eight years. Egg are also high in protein and contain iron, folate and vitamin A – all of which are important for growth, repair and development of cells. So encourage your kids to eat eggs regularly, unless they are allergic.

Hard boiled eggs mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise are perfect in a sandwich, or why not try egg and soldiers or French toast as a weekend breakfast when you have a little more time.

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By Emer Delaney

Source: BBC - Goodfood

Image 1 source: Flickr

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