Are you a 'Humpty Dumpty'

Mon, Sep 19th 2016, 09:49 AM

I'm sure that just about everyone is familiar with the story of Humpty Dumpty which we used to recite as kids. "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all of the King's horses and all of the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again". Now that I think about it, that's a very negative and indeed quite depressing tale which I know many kids of my generation were always reciting.

No wonder so many kids grew up to be negative in later life, as they'd been programmed to be that way since early childhood. O.K. D. Paul, but what do you mean by the title of today's article 'Are You A Humpty Dumpty?'?....I just don't get it. Well My Friend, what I mean is this.

We all take a so-called 'Fall' in life every now and then. We make mistakes and thus fail from time to time....this is inevitable as we start to venture out into the world endeavoring to learn invaluable 'Lessons in Living'  to assist us in finally reaching The Promised Land. But My Friend, when we fall, figuratively speaking, we need to be able to pick up the pieces, so to speak and thus start to put our life back in order as we proceed with our life's journey. Yes indeed, no matter how many times you fail in life when your life appears to be in shambles, you do indeed have the ability to start to put the pieces together again as you start over.

You see in the end, it all gets back to one's overall attitude in life; especially when we fail at something. So in conclusion, no matter how bad your present situation appears to be, believe me when I tell you, you can indeed put all the pieces together again and thus go on to have and exciting, a productive, successful and satisfying life....yes you can!

o Think about it!

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