Do you know your destination

Fri, Sep 9th 2016, 11:00 AM

I guess that today's article is a logical follow up to yesterday's article on mind travel.  You see, obviously if you wish to go anywhere, you must first and foremost determine exactly where you want to go. Now that may sound very simplistic, however, as simple as it sounds, I'll guarantee that if you were to stop 100 people on the street and ask them what their goals are, I honestly doubt if five out of that 100 could give you a specific answer. Oh yes, some would grin from ear to ear whilst saying "I want to be successful," but my friend, what exactly does that ambiguous phrase really mean -- I want to be successful?

I really do love Earl Nightingale's definition of success. Earl said that success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. So this in effect means, that in order to be successful, one needs to have some specific goals, or to put it in simple language, you need to know exactly what you want out of life, and where you're going. You need to know your destination.

Of course the ultimate destination for all of us should be, as I have relayed to you on many occasions in the past, to reach a state of perfection so that we can finally return to our Source from whence we came, to live forever. However, along the way to that final destination, we will need to make many stops. So it's vitally important for anyone who wishes to live a contented, fulfilled, happy and successful life, to know in advance exactly where they're headed. In other words, do you know your destination?.

Yes my friend, by the end of today I want you to be able to answer the question posed by the title of this article, "Do you know your destination?" with a resounding yes, with a broad smile on your face. So today is goal setting Day' for you. Go to a quiet place with a pad of paper and a pen or pencil and start to map out your future, across the board by setting a series of short, medium and long-range goals for all areas of your life. Once you've done that, you'll be on your way directly to success city. Yes you will.

o Think about it!
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