The advance of self-interest

Mon, Jul 25th 2016, 11:09 AM

Dear Editor,

In the not too distant past Bahamian communities were strong - not perfect, but strong. They had a firm moral foundation with the majority of persons in these communities sharing similar values and responsibilities toward growing and preserving their way of life. It was the strength of individual homes that formed the foundation of these strong communities.

People were generally more caring and concerned about the needs of others. There were clear moral boundaries with individuals understanding their respective roles in the community while respectfully caring for each other.

Fast-forward to the children, the offspring, of these communities, educated in countries with different moral and social standards; countries steeped in humanistic, self-centered philosophies and you begin to understand the genesis of the unravelling of Bahamian society.

We now have generations steeped in the "be yourself, do what you feel philosophy". Self-control, integrity, honesty, concern for others and similarly esteemed virtues fell prey to self-interest, self-gratification and the "all for me" at any cost attitude that has engulfed this nation. Many do not fully understand that it is self-interest alone that is at the heart of our social and moral degeneration. It alone is responsible for all of our corruption, crime, illegitimate births, immigration problems, drug trafficking, marriages of convenience, the LGBT agenda, etc. Self-interest, not national interest, is the only reason why many politicians, more of a detriment to national development than assets and also well past their political primes, will not relinquish the reins of power.

We are all witnesses to the effects of self-interest and self-gratification in our politics, but are we really clear on its effects on our social and moral decline? All over the world we see nations pressured to conform to the self-interest groups that promote same-sex relationships. I ask myself why? The LGBT philosophy can be summarized as: "I have these thoughts, feelings and desires that I must act on and you are denying me my human rights by saying no. How intolerant of you!"
These groups have even been allowed to create a new species of human labelled as "transgender", redefine marriage and adopt children.

Consider the social confusion that has resulted. In what other sphere of human existence is "doing what you feel" considered acceptable behavior? Why "intelligent" nations and individuals concede to this argument while denying this line of reasoning to the rapist, pedophile, corrupt politician or philanderer is beyond me. Every society must have norms or social chaos and anarchy will result. The decline of once leading countries is a testament to this.

Self-gratification is the cause of so many children being born out of wedlock and the single-parent phenomena that leaves so many children mentally and emotionally deprived. Many single women raise children and transfer the rage they feel against failed relationships on to the children. This has created a generation of undisciplined, confused, angry young people, ignorant about gender roles.

They desire love and acceptance, but have never seen it properly modelled. They have not been taught how to control their emotions and instead allow base desires to drive them. What they need is guidance to assist them in functioning as they ought, not lobbyists or international pressure encouraging "backward" nations like ours to allow them to act as they feel.

On a daily basis men and women everywhere struggle with their feelings in various ways. They are expected to exhibit self-control if their actions might adversely affect others. If individuals in this society acted how they felt the theft, rape, murder and divorce rates would be much higher; productivity in the workplace would be much lower, etc. Individuals who embrace their amorous feelings toward the same sex and act on them have chosen that lifestyle. It is not genetically influenced, but an unnatural act that the rest of society is expected to legitimize and embrace? God forbid.

The self-serving indulgences of the LGBT organizations around the world are attacking the very fiber of civilized society and reshaping it their image and after their likeness. While conducting this doomed-to fail-social experiment, with the permission of many of the world's governments, LGBT representatives desire tolerance while they themselves are intolerant of those who oppose their perverted reasoning and propaganda.

The very fabric of societies around the world is unravelling before our eyes because self-interest precedes communal interests. The once great United States is having debates about who should use which bathrooms? Individual rights are exalted and respected at the expense of the rights of communities. We do not appreciate that you cannot have a strong moral society if everyone is allowed to do "their own thing". It is folly to allow this madness to persist. Instead of conceding to international pressure, this nation should lead the charge to stop this nonsense.

The Bible is so hated because many do not want to be encumbered by its moral constraints, but consider the alternatives. We are living in them now. Practising the moral guidelines of the Bible served this country well in the past. It might do us well to consider revisiting them again.

- JB

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