Castrol Quote of the day: May 8, 2015

Fri, May 8th 2015, 09:00 AM


Castrol Quote of the day: May 8, 2015
"We don't predict the next
thunderstorm like the 
'weather folks,' but it is
our job to equip your vehicle
with whatever it needs to get you
through the elements.
Come in and ask
for the finest in 'Rain X'
windshield treatments and
wiper blades."

Castrol Quote of the day: May 8, 2015

"We don't predict the next

thunderstorm like the 'weather folks,' but it is

our job to equip your vehicle

with whatever it needs to get you

through the elements.

Come in and ask

for the finest in 'Rain X'

windshield treatments and

wiper blades."

Tip brought to you by Bay Street Garage. Visit our listing page on

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