Tough times mold you

Thu, Oct 23rd 2014, 11:13 PM

I'm quite sure, that nobody likes it when they go through tough times of any kind. However, as I state over and over again in these articles, I honestly believe that literally everything that happens to us in our lives is indeed in divine order. By that statement I simply mean that whatever happens to us as we travel the road of life, good or bad has a purpose. So even the tough times which we all encounter from time to time, also most definitely have a purpose. Yes indeed, as today's title simply proclaims it, tough times mold us. Yes indeed they do. They mold you into a better, more understanding, tougher person who is much better equipped to deal with the everyday ups and downs of life, thus succeeding in the end.
I'm quite sure that if you take a brief stroll down memory lane so to speak, and recall some of the really tough times in your life, I have no doubt whatsoever that you will indeed admit to the fact, that you are a better person today due to the tough times you actually went through and emerged from as an overall stronger, perhaps more empathic individual who was better equipped to deal with all kinds of life situations.
I'm also convinced that having experienced some tough times, you will appreciate the good times much more when they return. That's right, sometimes we all need to actually experience great difficulties in our life in order to be able to more fully appreciate how very fortunate we really are to be alive at this point in our life.
Some of the most successful people in the world down through the ages commenced life in circumstances that was not ideal to put it mildly. That's right, many who were born in the ghetto went on to become outstandingly successful -- people like Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, the coffee king who was brought up in the projects in Brooklyn, New York, or W. Clement Stone who eventually ended up owning the largest insurance company in the world, Combined Insurance Company of America who was born in the poorer part of Chicago.
So, in conclusion, whilst obviously not looking for tough times, when they come your way, use them to assist in molding your character so that you become much more resilient and thus successful.

o Think about it!
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